My Daily Constitution—NYC Series
February 22nd - 28th 2003
Seven sites across the city
Constitution Cafés:
"The Patriot Act and its Impact on the People of the United States"
Arshad Majid, Former New York Prosecutor; President of Majid & Associates, New York.
Open Bar
"Imagination and My Daily Constitution",
Barbara Handman, Senior Vice President, People for the American Way
Lark Theatre
"Silencing Political Dissent" , Discussion led by Nancy Chang, Senior Litigation Attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights; Author of "Silencing Political Dissent: How Post-September 11 Anti-Terrorism Measures Threaten Our Civil Liberties"
16 Beaver Group Arts Collective
"Privacy, Free Speech, and the Patriot Act"
Christopher M. Finan, President, American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, and Jameel Jaffer, Staff Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union.
Housing Works Used Book Cafe
"Personhood, Citizenship and The U.S. Constitution"
Chaumtoli Huq, Staff Attorney, New York Taxi Workers' Alliance
Remote Lounge
"The U.S. Constitution and Religious Pluralism"
Patrice Brodeur, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies; Director of the Pluralism Project, Connecticut College
Lower East Side Tenement Museum
"Blocked: Self Censorship and the Limits of the First Amendment"
Svetlana Mintcheva, Arts Advocacy Project Coordinator, National Coalition Against Censorship
Pete's Candy Store
February 22nd - 28th 2003
Seven sites across the city
Constitution Cafés:
"The Patriot Act and its Impact on the People of the United States"
Arshad Majid, Former New York Prosecutor; President of Majid & Associates, New York.
Open Bar
"Imagination and My Daily Constitution",
Barbara Handman, Senior Vice President, People for the American Way
Lark Theatre
"Silencing Political Dissent" , Discussion led by Nancy Chang, Senior Litigation Attorney, Center for Constitutional Rights; Author of "Silencing Political Dissent: How Post-September 11 Anti-Terrorism Measures Threaten Our Civil Liberties"
16 Beaver Group Arts Collective
"Privacy, Free Speech, and the Patriot Act"
Christopher M. Finan, President, American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, and Jameel Jaffer, Staff Attorney, American Civil Liberties Union.
Housing Works Used Book Cafe
"Personhood, Citizenship and The U.S. Constitution"
Chaumtoli Huq, Staff Attorney, New York Taxi Workers' Alliance
Remote Lounge
"The U.S. Constitution and Religious Pluralism"
Patrice Brodeur, Assistant Professor of Religious Studies; Director of the Pluralism Project, Connecticut College
Lower East Side Tenement Museum
"Blocked: Self Censorship and the Limits of the First Amendment"
Svetlana Mintcheva, Arts Advocacy Project Coordinator, National Coalition Against Censorship
Pete's Candy Store